Audio & video Streaming
Audio streaming
Audio streaming an event is useful for bringing together a group of speakers through voice via Skype and or phone and broadcasting them live, online and within Second Life. It can also used for DJing music or live music performances that could accompany your event, or be a main attraction.
Live on-site event services
– – recording live events for streaming into Second Life, OpenSim, SL Teen Grid, or other virtual worlds and onto the web
Virtual event services
– – DJ Service
– – Building custom event facilities
– – In-world event hosting, either in your space or ours as needed.
– – Chat relay to web-based and IRC chat
– – Planning and hosting special events for your in-world attendees while RL conference attendees are at lunch or other non-broadcastable event
video services
We also offer various video-related services such as broadcasting live from Second Life to the web via online services such as Ustream, broadcasting live or pre-recorded traditional video into Second Life and machinima filming, postproduction & editing.